One Of My Best Supernatural Books

Permanent Ink

Permanent Ink by R.W.K. Clark Best Supernatural Books
Permanent Ink 0997876735

Permanent Ink Writer’s Commentary

One Of My Best Supernatural Books Permanent Ink

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I wrote ‘Permanent Ink’ with mostly one message to convey: The price of greed can be astronomical, and most often, it is horribly destructive.

This is the story of a stationers’ company. The company is on the brink of bankruptcy. But they have an ace in the hole: Knowing that the kids will love it. The executives at Aspen have a secret: Basically making this novel a fantastic addition to my sci-fi thriller books.

Here’s the deal.

In an effort to show how widespread the destruction is, I scattered around the storyline of this supernatural book a bit. One particular incident takes place in a hospital in Thornton, Colorado. The viral outbreak is taking place in the suburbs. The local government is trying to figure things out, and has even called in the CDC. 

Let’s look at the outbreak at the hospital. Before anyone even understands what is taking place, the zombie epidemic has spread like wildfire. Both patients and employees of the health care center are forced to fight for their lives. A pair of physicians are beginning to figure things out, slowly. But will they solve the problem before it’s too late? This also makes it one of the best supernatural books.

This is crazy.

The hospital scenes are fast-paced; it is chaos there, and the panic the characters are feeling should be tangible. I did the best I could to convey this, without giving too much hope to the spreading epidemic. Frankly, it is because I felt the plague situation in Thornton was fairly close to being hopeless.

What’s the bottom line?

‘Permanent Ink’ is a zombie story, plain and simple, filled with the flesh-eating monsters that are all the rage at the current time. It is meant to gross readers out, to a certain extent, but mostly, with all of the chaotic scenes aside, I wanted to really convey a message. Corporate greed is the catalyst behind this horrible zombie outbreak, wreaking havoc on unsuspecting consumers who have been blindsided by their timely marketing tactics.

The worst part is, Aspen Stationers’ is more than suspicious of the potential for damage; they know full well what it can do, and they just don’t care. This type of manipulation takes place every day in our world, with results just as destructive, only slower and less obvious. This truth is really what is behind the message in this book.

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But here’s the kicker.

Of course, things have to be cleared up, and solutions must be found so life can go on. But as I mentioned earlier, I neither saw nor felt any positive resolution to this particular zombie writing, and as a writer, I had to struggle to make a way for the sun to rise on these towns again, with hope. I firmly believe that, if this were a true story, there would be no one left to write about it. The world would be taken out systematically by the undead pandemic. The one that Aspen Stationers’ created when they released their product to the public.

Want to know the best part of this book?

With all that being said, ‘Permanent Ink’ is, in many ways, just another zombie yarn. It tells the story of something horrible getting into the wrong hands. Also, it breaks down the possibilities of what could really happen if these things took place.

Having done the best possible job cleaning up the mess, it is my hope that readers are able to enjoy this fiction book for what it truly is: A work of fiction that provides yet another take on zombies and how they might come to be walking, and terrorizing, among us. It is meant for entertainment. But I think the moral behind this made-up novel makes it possible to consider other possibilities. Hopefully, it causes readers to think about the items they are willingly choosing to consume.

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Permanent Ink Character Profile

Randy Carstens

Randy is a thirty-something lead project scientist for Aspen Stationers’, and one of the main developers. While his research and testing have shown that the product is not at all safe for public release, the heads of the company insist it is. Randy is a family man who loves his kids and his wife; he has solid moral fiber, and he is willing to sacrifice his own comfort to do the right thing, no matter what the cost. Another reason why this is one of my best supernatural books.

Roger McGinley

Roger is the CEO of Aspen, and he is determined to hit the shelves in time for school kids to get it, regardless of its danger. While his appearance in the novel is brief, it is vital. His character is a prime reflection of what is wrong with corporate business today.

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Captain Eli Hertz

Head of the Aspen police force, Captain Hertz is an upstanding officer with great concern for the infectious situation at hand. He isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty in the process of trying to stop it. Hertz is a very logical, down-to-earth man who understands the depth of what is taking place, and he is horrified that it has been allowed to go so far.

Megan Casperson

The older sister of Melanie seems to know deep inside that the new school supply has something to do with the chaos breaking loose, though she is scared to death. Megan is a strong girl with brains, and hopefully it will keep her alive. This is another reason why I like this supernatural book.

Dr. Kyle Hilliard

Dr. Hilliard is a handsome physician in his late thirties. He, together with the beautiful pediatrician Diana Moss, try to figure out what is going on and exactly what can be done to stop the zombie virus. Dr. Hilliard is not married, nor does he have children. However, he is a very good doctor who cares for each of his patients. He is stunned beyond belief at what is taking place, and he finds that pulling together is the only solution to such a horrid problem.

Harold Reese

Harold is a janitor for Suburban Medical Center. He is also the head of the maintenance department as a whole. He is a very likeable man with a down-to-earth personality. Best of all, he is not afraid to do what he has to do. It is easy to say that Harold would be a shoe-in to keep around if you are in a group of people who are trying to survive a zombie attack. Harold is a fighter; whether he lives or dies, he is going to go down fighting to the bitter end.

Dr. Diana Moss

Dr. Moss knows her patients. Her intelligence and logic, along with her motherly instincts, make her one of the strongest and most caring of the group, an invaluable asset to those trying to survive the crisis at Suburban until authorities can figure out a way to stop the madness that is going on in the facility.

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